I am listening to @proofoflovecast Ep. 3 Long Distance Dating & Dating on the Road! Click To Tweet
Is this even possible? Can you sustain a meaningful relationship when there are oceans between you and the object of your affection? What makes it work, and what can ruin it? What about dating while touring the world, whether that’s as a speaker, a musician, or just a digital nomad? How do you get the guts to tell someone that you want to try for something more real, even though it’s hard to get to that place if you are only meeting people in transit? It’s not so easy! It IS possible, or at least some of the ladies seem to think so. How about you? Tell us your long distance experiences, did it work? Utter failure? Any tips or tricks? Leave a comment below.
Do you have a burning question, or a show idea for us? Please email us at tatiana@proofoflovecast.com!
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